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Image by Jesse Collins

Placed Buyers Agency

Brisbane's Only No Win, No Fee Buyers Agency

About Us.

Our journey began with an ex-architect’s vision to revolutionise property investment.


At Placed, our mission is clear: to ensure our clients invest in the right places at the perfect times, maximising their long-term gains.

In a market brimming with buyers’ agencies, real results are what set us apart. 

Especially in Brisbane.. You have got a new buyers agent popping up every Tuesday,

We understand that trust is earned through results, not false promises.

That’s why we introduced our ‘No Win, No Fee’ policy..

Some thought we were crazy.


We thought this could either go really well or really bad..

Clients ended up loving it.

This commitment reflects our confidence.

Join us, and experience the difference real experience and real results make in your property buying journey.

Man walking through a marble corridor in a modern Brisbane home, curated by a local brisbane buyer's agent.
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